Superunknown is a breakthrough strategy and design agency. We build brands, products and experiences for now and next.

Design with the
future in mind.

We work with those who see opportunity in uncertainty. Those ready to bet against conventional wisdom, think differently and explore the extraordinary.

Work with us


Strategy that shoots for the moon. Design that puts a dent in the universe.


Strategy + Design

We help business leaders reimagine the future. Moonshot visions, new propositions and left-field strategies.

Future visions

Strategic plans

Innovation sprints

Portfolio strategies

New value propositions

Culture change


Strategy + Design

We create brands that are built to change. Flexible systems and iterative identities that are ready for now and next.

Brand propositions

Brand narratives

Brand architectures

Visual + verbal identities

Branded CX

Brand toolkits


Strategy + Design

We build lean, future-ready digital experiences. Engaging websites, intuitive apps and cutting-edge products.

Digital strategies

Digital roadmaps

UX design

UI + interaction design

Prototyping + user testing

Website/app development

Latest work


We specialise in four sectors critical to humanity’s growth potential. Across health, education, community and technology we aim to make outsized impacts for people and organisations.


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Breakthrough thinking around healthcare products, services and experiences, digital health innovation, equity of access, navigation of the health system and more.


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Breakthrough thinking around education experiences, teaching and learning innovation, digital access and literacy, alignment with the future of work and more.


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Breakthrough thinking around community services innovation, community connection and cohesion, social equality, universal access and equity, and more.


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Breakthrough thinking around technology ‘for good’, repurposing and renewal of legacy brands, products and services, blank slate innovation and more.


We’re on a mission to make an impact where it matters most.

We’re proud to count on a diverse team of breakthrough thinkers. Individually, we’ve walked the floors in agencies and corporates across Australia, the UK and the US, and bring deep experience across a spectrum of disciplines. From business strategy, branding and CX to industrial design, digital and innovation. Collectively, we’re driven to do more than deliver great projects; we’re here to make an impact on the challenges of our time that matter most.

Those who get ahead in this century will dance with the great unknown and find danger, rather than comfort, in the status quo.

—Ozan Varol, Rocket Scientist

We’re ready to make your moonshots happen.